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Use Case

Patient Intake

Sohar streamlines patient intake to maximize provider revenue.


Improve patient intake with Sohar.

We know how critical revenue capture is for healthcare providers. By combining our solutions for Verification, Discovery, and Network Status, they can maximize eligibility determination, reduce drop-offs, and optimize financial outcomes.

Increased conversion

Pain Points

Eliminate common problems.
  • Manual eligibility checks that lead to delays in appointment scheduling
  • High patient drop-off rates due to unclear coverage information
  • Revenue leakage from missed or inaccurate eligibility verification

Key Metrics

Intake, optimized.
  • Increased patient conversion
  • Reduced patient drop-offs during intake
  • Enhanced revenue capture per patient visit

Talkiatry partnered with Sohar to transform its patient intake process. By integrating Verification and Discovery into workflows, they achieved a 12% increase in patient conversion.

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patient Intake Solutions

Get started with Sohar.

We understand how important patient intake is to the success of your business. With intelligent, API-driven solutions, Sohar ensures a seamless intake process that directly impacts your bottom line and can deliver more than 8x ROI within twelve months. When providers confidently convert and onboard patients, they gain operational efficiency and grow revenue.

Ready to learn more?

Schedule time to speak with an expert.


What is Sohar Health’s accuracy rate for eligibility checks?

Over the last 3 months, Sohar’s APIs have achieved an average of 96% accuracy across benefits data: copay and coinsurance for over 200 payers, compared to 70-80% accuracy levels for manual resolutions. 

What data is required for running an insurance discovery check?

To run an Insurance Discovery check, only basic details such as Name, Date of Birth (DOB), and State (Zip Code)are required alongside an NPI number. For running an eligibility check, additional insurance information for running an eligibility verification, such as MemberID and the Payer that the client is with.

How fast are Sohar’s APIs for determining insurance coverage and eligibility?

The average latency of an insurance discovery check via Sohar's API is 12.4 seconds. In the last 3 months, around 90% of eligibility verifications run through Sohar’s API are surfaced within 30 seconds, with a median latency of 6 seconds.