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Eliminate the biggest cause of drop-off during patient intake. There’s no longer a need to ask for health insurance information—Sohar finds it for you. The 12% boost in patient conversion speaks for itself.


Average latency
Increased conversion
Success rate
Fast results

Sohar’s API discovers patient insurance information from providers with haste. The average time to resolve a query is 12.41 seconds. Concurrent calls to payers in batches can improve latency even further.

Easy to integrate

Sohar is built by healthcare developers, for healthcare developers. Our clients are able to onboard, integrate, and start using our powerful APIs within minutes.

Success Rate
Impeccable success rate

Across all payers, Sohar's API will find insurance details up to 60% of the time. For the major commercial payers, e.g. Aetna, Cigna, UHC, the success rate can be significantly higher.

Ready to learn more?

Explore what Discovery can do for your business by speaking to an expert today.


What data is required for running an insurance discovery check?

To run an Insurance Discovery check, only basic details such as Name, Date of Birth (DOB), and State (Zip Code)are required alongside an NPI number. For running an eligibility check, additional insurance information for running an eligibility verification, such as MemberID and the Payer that the client is with.

How fast are Sohar’s APIs for determining insurance coverage and eligibility?

The average latency of an insurance discovery check via Sohar's API is 12.4 seconds. In the last 3 months, around 90% of eligibility verifications run through Sohar’s API are surfaced within 30 seconds, with a median latency of 6 seconds.